25 October 2009

How to Convert Images to ASCII text

I am sure you all know what ASCII text is. ASCII is a 7-bit character set where each character is defined by 0s and 1s. It is known as the medium of speaking for computers. ASCII Art is an artistic medium.

Images to ASCII Text Convert

www.asciiconvert.com is a site which will convert any image you browse or upload to ASCII text within a few minutes, and it gets uploaded to the “Gallery” folder on the home page. Then you simply go to the gallery and check out the pic you uploaded in ASCII text. You will be amazed with what happens to the pic!

Generally all the image formats are supported. You will see the results at the back end right away. You have the option of either uploading an image or fetching it from a URL. All the uploaded images will move to the “Gallery.” As this service is new, the site is still working to tighten things up a bit so you may have to search for your image. However, you get this service totally free and it operates at the best possible speed. Go ahead and give it a try right away.

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