Whenever you register for a new paypal account you will be asked to verify your account with your credit card details where paypal would send a confirmation code in order to verify your credit card and your paypal account. There are many cases where paypal users don’t have a credit card on their name which is a must requirement, and this is when they buy VCC which can used for verifications.
Virtual credit Cards are nothing but a electronic version of a credit card with the same features of any other normal card but with a pre-deposited fund and can only be used for shopping on the web. You need to find the right person who sells these VCC cards generally in the range of 5-10$ each with 50$ of the amount credited to your VCC.
Paypal needs you to add any of these cards to your card under your ‘Unverified Link’ and enter the 16-digit virtual credit card number along with the expiration date and the 4 digit verification code. Generally these VCC should be used within 24 hours from the time they are issued and they work for one account only. You need to notify the person from whom you have bought this VCC for a expuse number within 24 hours, which you have to enter in your paypal account to complete the verification.
Not only these VCC are used at Paypal.com, but also at ebay and other online shopping portals like Adwords etc. You need to buy bigger denominations cards if you feel shopping with your real plastic credit cards would be risky and stay secure.
Recommended Person to Contact for Paypal VCC : Removed because of some Scam related comments in this post. Will post when a new reliable person is found!
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