02 December 2006

List of social networking websites

This is a list of notable social networking websites.

Name Description/Focus User count Registration
43 Things Tagging 627,000 Open
ActiveRain Real estate professionals 5,374 Open
Adoos Latin America and Spain classifieds, personals 1,000,000 Open
AIM Pages AOL Instant Messenger Unknown Open
aSmallWorld European jet set and social elite 75,000 Invite-only
BlackPlanet.com African-Americans 18,000,000 Open
Babbello Australian teenagers 30,000 Open
Bebo Schools and colleges 22,000,000 Open
Blogger Blogging 16,000,000 Open
Blurty Blogs, based on LiveJournal 947,169 Open
Bolt General (music and video) 4,000,000 Open
CarDomain Car enthusiasts 1,600,000 Open
Care2 Activists, Green Living, Socially Conscious 6,600,000 Open
Classmates.com School, college, work and the military 40,000,000 Open
Connect.ee Estonia 39,000 Invite-only
Consumating "Consumeetings" 21,000 Open
Cyworld South Korea 15,000,000 Open
Dandelife Collective narratives or "shared biographies" unknown Open
DeadJournal "Dark" blogs, based on LiveJournal 490,310 By invite or payment
Dodgeball.com Mobile location-based service unknown Open
Doostang Online career community 53,000 Invite-only
DowneLink LGBT Unknown Open
Draugiem.lv Latvia 731,652 Invite-only
Ecademy Business 100,000 Open
Eons People over 50 Unknown Open to people over 50
Facebook General 11,100,000 Open
Facebox General 1,046,696 Open
Faceparty British teens and 20-somethings 5,900,000 Open
Flickr Photo sharing 2,500,000 Open
Friendster General 29,100,000 Open
Frühstückstreff General 10,100 Open
Gaia Online General 5,000,000 Open
Gazzag General Unknown Open
Goldmic Hip-Hop 58,000 Open
GoPets Virtual pets 400,000 Open
GreatestJournal Uses LiveJournal code 1,514,865 Open
Grono.net Poland 830,000 Invite-only
Hi5 Worldwide. 50,000,000 Open
Hyves Dutch people, but translations available (UK, GE, FR, SP) - many students 2,311,790 Open
imeem media-centric social network with instant messaging functionality Unknown Open
Inked Nation Body modification aficionados Unknown Open
IMVU 3D chat software 1,000,000 Open
IRC-Galleria Finland 350,000 Open
iWiW Hungary 1,000,000 Invite only
Janglo Jerusalem & Tel Aviv (Taanglo) English speakers 14,300 Open
Joga Bonito Football (soccer) Unknown Open
Last.fm Music Unknown Open
LibraryThing Books 82,374 Open
LinkedIn Business 7,500,000 Open
LiveJournal Blogging 10,921,263 Open
LunarStorm Sweden 1,200,000 Open
Match.com Dating 12,000,000 Open
MEETin Social Networking 50,000 Open
MiGente.com Latinos 3,600,000 Open
Mixi Japan 5,000,000 Invite-only
MOG Music Unknown Open
Multiply "Real world" networking with definable relationships 3,000,000 Open
Music Forte Music 37,000 Open
myGamma Cell phones 1,300,000 Open
MySpace General 26,700,000 Open
myYearbook General 950,000 Open
Neurona Spanish businesses and Italy 690,000 Open
Nexopia Canada 866,000 Open
OkCupid Dating 500,000 Open
orkut Owned by Google 33,729,146 Open
Passado General (business) 4,700,000 Open
Piczo Teenagers, Canadians, photo sharing 10,000,000 Open
Playahead Swedish teenagers 2,000,000 Open
ProfileHeaven British teens 100,000 Open
Rediff Connexions India 1,400,000 Open
Reunion.com Locating friends and family 25,000,000 Open
Ryze Business 250,000 Open
Sconex American high schools 500,000 Open
Studybreakers High school students 34,000 Open
Stumbleupon Websurfing 1,200,000 Open
StyleFeeder Social Shopping Network unknown Open
TagWorld General (tagging) 1,850,692 Open
TakingITGlobal Social action 116,000 Open
The Student Center Teens and colleges 800,000 Open
Threadless General 364,474 Open
Tribe General 554,993 Open
Vampire Freaks Gothic industrial culture 650,000 Open
VietSpace A social network of Vietnamese 20,000 Open
Vox Blogging Unknown Open
WAYN Travel & Lifestyle 7,000,000 Open to people 18 and older
WebBiographies Genealogy & Biography 3,500 Open
Windows Live Spaces Blogging (formerly MSN Spaces) 30,000,000 Open
Xanga Blogs and "metro" areas 40,000,000 Open
XING Business 1,000,000 Open
Xuqa Colleges 1,000,000 Open
Yahoo! 360° Linked to Yahoo! IDs 4,700,000 Open to people 18 and older
Yuku part of ezboard Unknown Open
Zaadz Social consciousness 17,627 Open

source: wikipedia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! that list is really cool, gr8 work!


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